CYW: Green

This is the Color Your World Challenge for 2017 – 120 days of Crayola Crayon Colors! For more info on how to join in click on the badge at the bottom of the post!!!

Melted Green crayon poured on then removed leaving pigment residue behind. Then the ‘strawberries’ were outlined and leaves colored-in using a green Sharpie) background was colored before melting the crayons. Red strawberry buttons (thank you, Ellen!) add a touch of color.0221b

The Inspiration:0221a-green



Reflections on A to Z 2016

A-to-Z Reflection [2016]A-Z reflections a

This year’s challenge was two-fold for me. One, was a reading challenge, and the other, an art challenge.

I set certain perimeters for myself regarding the books I would base the challenge on:

a. a book I’ve never read before (which I accomplished with one exception)

b. a book within the genre’s according to the prechosen letters (for instance if “A” was a picture book genre then I couldn’t choose a nonfiction book no matter how interesting the book might have been)

c. the book had to be read before the cover was completed and within the three months before the challenge (this one got a little sticky as I was still searching for appropriate books into late March and reading through the middle of April!)

and, d. I had to choose books I might not otherwise read, like “K”‘s western genre and “J”‘s romance genre

The second part of the challenge, the digital art covers, was somewhat less time consuming for the most part – so much so that I actually felt guilty for not putting more effort into them!

But, all in all, I had a great time reading, reviewing and making over the covers of the books this year. Preplanning works best for me.I actually started planning in December and by January I already had a posting calendar ready to go – it changed quite a few times, but I knew what was in front of me. Below is my final calendar. I deleted all the other ones!

Will I do it again next year?? YOU BET!!! What will be my art form in 2017? I’m thinking something other than digital art!! You’ll have to come back next year to find out!!!

If you missed any of my A to Z posts, HERE’s a link to the page you can navigate from!! Thank for your comments and likes! I truly appreciated them (my apologies for not responding to all of them – time does tend to get away from me!)

See Ya Next Year, A-Z Challenge!!!!goes for a ride c