Reflections on A-Z Challenge 2015

Auntie Goose here – whew! Am I ever glad the challenge is over! That was quite a haul, wasn’t it? But I did enjoy myself although I can’t decide which was more fun or harder – writing the rhymes or illustrating them. Both required equal amounts of time – and, now that I think about it, writing was definitely the harder part while illustrating them was easier and more fun. But I did enjoy doing both – so much so that I am already looking forward to 2016 and have already decided on what to do! No hints, sorry!

The main thing I learned is to PLAN AHEAD! I did write all the rhymes during February and March and prepared the illustrations as well. Because all of my illustrations are done in MSWord, I prepare by creating separate documents for each rhyme and doing preliminary cartoons (or sketches) so when it came time to illustrate I could just ‘go for it’. The challenge illustrations were planned to be simple and quick with little of the detail I normally like to put in (go HERE is you want to see detail!). All of that detail takes lots and lots of time and I want the illustrations to take no more than 3-4 hours and most of them I kept to around 2-3 hours each. After each illustration is done, I password protect it from alterations in MSW, save it as a pdf and the convert it to jpeg and then – voilah! It is ready for posting! (I know I can post it as a Word document but I go ahead and jpeg it because if I decide to publish it through Blurb, it needs to be a jpeg file and as long as I’m fooling with the document I might as well go ahead and save myself some time later on.) Enough about me…

The only thing I regret is not getting around to checking out other blogs – there were so many to choose from! I kept up with (Jennifer Nichole Wells) and (George’s Guinea Pig World) but I already follow so many blogs and read a fair few on a daily basis that I just didn’t and don’t have the time.

To all the kind folks who visited me during the challenge, thank you so much for your visits, your likes and comments. I very much appreciate them and regret that I did not return the favor as often as I wished I could. I hope to visit some of you during the 2015 Road Trip!

And because I can’t leave you without something other than my own ramblings – here’s a little rhyme I cooked up because Simon over at Library of Cats just read and reviewed Fahrenheit 451 and I just had to add my own voice to the rabble!

Love and Feathers, Auntie Goose

pat a cake_0001

7 thoughts on “Reflections on A-Z Challenge 2015

  1. I really loved seeing all you A to Z posts. They allowed me to get to know your blog a bit better and I clicked through some of your other pages as well throughout the month. Don’t worry, I’ll keep coming back! And I still have a few of your A to Z posts to look back on. I’m some impressed by your work. I can’t imagine how difficult a process it is to do all your illustrations in Word, you may say these are less detailed, but they still look pretty darn intricate to me! Thank you for following along with my posts. I really appreciate/d your feedback!


  2. Thanks – and I love the work you do!!


  3. WOW! You really took on a huge challenge during the challenge. Congratulations to you!! I am out and about now on The Road Trip catching the ones I missed (which were a lot) but now I have a full year to finish. Hope to see you around


  4. Hello there.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge! I was actually able to visit your blog during the month of April. Just popping over today from the Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess


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